What is periodontics?

Periodontics is a dental specialty. The word “periodontics” comes from two Greek words: “peri,” which means “around” and “odont,” which means “tooth.” So, the field of periodontics treats conditions that affect the tissues “around your teeth,” such as bone loss, gum recession and periodontal (gum) disease. A periodontist is a gum specialist. They focus on treating conditions that affect the tissues that support your teeth (such as your gums and jawbone).

Gums bone health care

Periodontal disease, also called advanced gum disease or periodontitis, is a disease process that results in decreased bone in the jaw due to inflammation and often infection in the structures that support the teeth. Even people with a great home care regimen of brushing and flossing can develop periodontal disease over time.

Periodontal disease, when left unchecked, can result in bad breath, bone loss in the jaw, loose or mobile teeth, and infections and abscesses of the gums and bone. There is also substantial research linking periodontal disease to varying systemic health and wellness concerns, including but not limited to Diabetes Mellitus, and cardiovascular disease.

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery, also called pocket reduction surgery. The periodontist makes cuts in your gums to carefully fold back the tissue. This exposes the tooth roots for more effective scaling and root planning. Because periodontitis often causes bone loss, the underlying bone may be reshaped before the gum tissue is stitched back in place. After you heal, it’s easier to clean the areas around your teeth and maintain healthy gum tissue.

Flap surgery involves transporting healthy, live tissue from one location of the body to another – often to areas that have lost skin, fat, muscle movement, and/or skeletal support. There are several different types of flap surgery methods that may be utilized, depending upon the location of the flap and the structures that need to be repaired.

Treatment of Periodontits

Periodontitis, also referred to as pyria or pyorrhea is a type of gum disease. Periodontitis is a gum disease. It is a chronic inflammatory disease that is triggered by bacterial microorganisms and involves a severe chronic inflammation that causes the destruction of the tooth-supporting apparatus and can lead to tooth loss. It can also lead to other health problems.

Treatment may be done by a dentist or a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in gum disease. A dental hygienist may work with your dentist or periodontist as part of your treatment plan. The goal of treatment is to thoroughly clean the pockets around teeth and prevent damage to surrounding gum tissue and bone. You have the best chance for successful treatment when you also have a daily routine of good oral care, manage health conditions that may impact dental health and stop tobacco use.